Rabu, 18 April 2018



(Sumber : https://www.thebalancecareers.com)

Ilham Bada Ramadhan
Pondok Surya Mandala blok F/4
Bekasi 17146

April 18, 2018

Victoria University of Wellington
Kelburn Campus,
Level 2, Easterfield Building, Kelburn Parade, WELLINGTON,
Kelburn,6012, New Zealand

Dear Sir Or Madam:

Allow me to introduce my self, my name is Ilham Bada Ramadhan.  I was born in Cirebon, 5th March 1995. I am writing this letter to express my interest in the scholarship offered by Victoria University of Wellington on the Master of Geographic Information Science(MGIS).

I am interested in computer field especially on programming techniques and web designs. In my college I learned a lot programming languages to create computer and mobile application. I strongly believe that I will be a good web designer, system analist, programmer, content writer and web maintenance specialist. I always want to learn and looking for new experiences in the society.

My ability in the field of computers gained during college, I believe it can be useful for myself and the people of the world. These capabilities include : mastering some programming languages as like COBOL, C++, Visual Basic, SQL, PHP, Pascal, CSS, HTML and JAVA. On the system database I can mastering MySQL, Oracle and PhpMyAdmin well controlled. Besides a hardskill when I learned in the class, I also have a well softskill  like hardwork, creative, truthful and good communication with the other people.

For now, I still study at Gunadarma University in department Information System entering the last semester. Until now, I still really hope that I can continue my education to a higher level. With my great expectations, I don’t want that hopes to just disappear. My family life is in the lower middle class.  Then, it is impossible for me to continue my education to a higher level with expensive regular cost. When I was studying undergraduate at university, I also get a scholarship for education costs from several agencies or companies that can ease the burden of family expenses. With me who always get a scholarship earned during college is certainly not easy for me because I have to always achieve an increasing achievement every year. It is my hope to use this scholarship to aid my education cost.

In this final semester I will discuss my thesis about Geographic Information System(GIS). The object of research is tourism sector, that is about mapping of tourist sites or location in Cirebon region. Hopefully in the end can be useful for the other people who are used for travel guides.

With my great interest in Geographic Information System(GIS) then I really hope get scholarship from Victoria University of Wellington.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours Faithfully,
Ilham Bada Ramadhan.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

The First Assignment (OPINION)


(Sumber : https://www.virtualreality-news.net)

*) Kepada Yth Bpk. Bob Singgalingging, jika berkenan bisa melihat postingan ini yg merupakan tugas 1 mata kuliah B. Inggris 2 karena saya tidak meng-attach ke email bapak namun saya sudah posting kedalam blog dan studentsite sebelum waktu deadline. Terimakasih.

Virtual Reality or (VR) is a technology that allows users to interact with a 3-dimensional environment simulated by a computer against a real object or imagination, thus making the user appear to be physically involved in the environment. (initu.id)
Virtual Reality became famous since it was released in late 2014 or early 2015 by Oculus Rift. But actually Virtual Reality technology is already long discovered that is around the 1950’s. Virtual Reality was first discovered by Morton Heilig, a pioneer in Virtual Reality technology. In my opinion, Virtual Reality is a technology of the future that has started from now.
Virtual Reality technology is now a technology that is in great demand and applied by big companies like Google, Samsung, HTC, Sony and others. Because each company has released products related to Virtual Reality technology. Virtual reality technology is used and utilized almost in all sector, not only applied in mobile phones or games, this technology has also been used in the sector of tourism, science and sports. Virtual reality technology is growing very fast, because it is can generate big profits on a company.

1.      Tourism Sector

Japanese Tour Firm Offers Virtual Reality Holidays – with a first-class seat.
Virtual Reality implementation in tourism sector, for example is what Japan Tour companies do. A well-known Japan tour company located in central Tokyo offers a very nice and exciting service concept by making a simulated flight tour that travels to Paris, Rome, Hawaii and New York. By utilizing this Virtual Reality technology, when we are on a simulated airplane just like on a real trip with first class aircraft facilities. With the use of Virtual Reality technology can be able certainly help the elderly. The elderly who want to go overseas but are not able to easily, given their physical limitations. A real trip is a hassle to prepare for, and expensive, and takes time. So, with the technology developed by this company can help people who want to try the sensation of first class flights with cheaper cost and also can shorten the time. This tool is really great, because we never leave the ground  when we are using the tool that seems in the flight.
In my opinion, with this tool can help many people, especially the elderly with their physical limitations that are not possible to do long-haul flights. in addition, for those who are busy with work, this tool can certainly help because it does not need to prepare a long time to feel the sensation of flying holidays with first-class flight facilities. Lastly, this technology is cheaper than real aviation, therefore, with less economically beneficial families can use this tool as refreshing.

2.     Sport Sector

Virtual starts to become a reality for top clubs.
Cutting edge virtual reality technology, allowing football clubs to return players to match situations and for the injured to get ‘match sharp’, is being tested and used by top English and European clubs.
The technology, developed by Manchester-based company Mi Hiepa, is currently being employed by four Premier League clubs and teams in Italy and Germany are also trialling the platform. For contractual and confidentiality reasons, the clubs cannot be identified but they include some of the biggest in the Premier League and Europe.
I think, this is a revolutionary product that will help players come back from injury sooner, help players be more cognitively aware, help better decision-making on the field and prepare them for pressure situations during games. The platform also features a series of drills which will allow players to practise their skills, such as passing, and develop their reactions and decision-making abilities. That could be particularly valuable to players returning from injury lay-offs who would be able to sharpen themselves up to match speed without the risk of physical contact.
It is certainly unique and different, I think most coaches would see advantages, small gains advantages, in using the system. The coaches find useful is being able to view situations from the player’s perspective.
With the creation of this tool certainly can help players to recovery phase after injury. Currently, football is becoming a very popular sport in the world, besides football is now a sport with new and modern technological facilities, the product of Mi Heipa certainly increasingly makes football as a different sport as it progresses.
This tool becomes a very important role if it has been released and can be used a lot by professional clubs in the world to process the adaptation of their important players after injury. Injuries can definitely make players become insecure, even when in the first game after a game injury they have not been back on best condition. So, with this tool is expected to be a tool that helps a lot by way of displaying a match using Virtual Reality.
Besides being important for players as a recovery tool after injury, this technology can also be applied to junior players or applied in club academies. It is important because junior players need to learn more about soccer techniques and tactics, with the Virtual Reality technology can help young players to understand many new techniques and tactics using this tool. When looking at instructions through the VR it is expected that players more quickly understand what they need to become professional football players in the future.

3.      Sains Sector

Virtual reality weather add-ons let you feel the sun and wind

Ambiotherm has two components that combine with a normal VR headset. The first is a wind module that contains two fans that clip on to the bottom of a headset. This tools means can simulate the wind blowing in your face, for example, as you ski down a mountain. The second is a temperature module that attaches to the back of the neck. Like when walking through a virtual desert, we can simulate the harsh sun beating down on you.
Other attempts to emulate environmental conditions in VR experiences normally involve a room with fans and heat lamps dotted around, so making it compact is a big achievement.
By making VR more realistic it could increase the possible uses.  Researchers have already shown that VR can reduce painreduce fear of death, and even help people who are paralysed regain some feeling in their legs.
the last one in my opinion, this tool can be used for extreme weather simulations that occur on earth. used humans to prepare themselves in these circumstances. so humans can estimate how great climate change is now. humans can be aware of what they face after trying this tool.

Selasa, 09 Januari 2018

Analisis Teknologi Sistem Informasi pada PT TELKOM INDONESIA

Profil Perusahaan

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, biasa disebut Telkom Indonesia atau Telkom saja (IDX: TLKM, NYSE: TLK) adalah perusahaan informasi dan komunikasi serta penyedia jasa dan jaringan telekomunikasi secara lengkap di Indonesia. Telkom mengklaim sebagai perusahaan telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia, dengan jumlah pelanggan telepon tetap sebanyak 15 juta dan pelanggan telepon seluler sebanyak 104 juta.


Analisis Sistem Pada Perusahaan Telkom terkait dengan kebutuhan komunikasi yang semakin berkembang dan semakin canggih, maka PT. Telkom yang bergerak dalam bidang telekomunikasi mempunyai peran penting dalam memajukan teknologi komunikasi.

Untuk dapat merancang sistem kerja yang baik, seorang perancang kerja harus dapat menguasai dan mengendalikan faktor-faktor yang membentuk sistem kerja. Faktor-faktor tersebut bila dilihat dalam kelompok besarnya terdiri atas pekerja, mesin ,peralatan serta lingkungan. Kerja merupakan suatu sistem, karena dalam pelaksanaanya melibatkan komponen-komponen pendukung dan analisa terhadap objek kerja yang dilaksankan. Dimana terdapat keterkaitan, saling mendukung dan mempengaruhi antara komponen yang satu dengan lainnya.


  • My Phone
PT. TELKOM Indonesia Tbk. sebagai sebuah perusahaan telekomunikasi terkemuka di Indonesia yang menyediakan layanan baru dengan teknologi terkini yaitu CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access).
CDMA adalah teknologi akses voice dan data, dimana setiap user menggunakan code tersendiri yang unik dalam mengakses kanal frekuensi yang sama dalam sebuah sistem.
Pada CDMA, sinyal informasi pada transmitter dicoding dan disebar dengan bandwidth sebesar 1.25 MHz (spread spectrum), kemudian pada sisi receiver dilakukan decoding sehingga didapatkan sinyal informasi yang dibutuhkan.
PT TELKOM Indonesia tbk. melalui Divisi Telkom Flexi akan memanfaatkan CDMA sebagai telepon fixed wireless digital yang digunakan sebagai telepon rumah (fixed phone) dan telepon bergerak (mobility).
Layanan fixed wireless berbasis CDMA diberi brand “TELKOMFlexi” sebagai telepon bergerak terbatas dalam satu area code, hal ini dimungkinkan karena “TELKOMFlexi” memiliki fitur limited mobility.
Para pakar teknologi telepon seluler sepakat bahwa kecanggihan CDMA jauh melebihi GSM yang sekarang ini banyak dipergunakan oleh operator telepon seluler di Indonesia. Para pelaku bisnis telepon seluler (hand phone) memperkirakan bahwa “TELKOMFlexi” mendapat sambutan positif masyarakat mengingat tarifnya jauh berada dibawah GSM karena biaya investasinya sangat murah.

Tentu saja, kehadiran “TELKOMFlexi” membuat lega calon pelanggan telepon yang sudah lama mendambakan telepon hemat maupun pelanggan ponsel yang mendambakan telepon seluler alternatif.
  • My Mobile
Telekomunikasi Selular yang Menyatukan Bangsa
Telkomsel didirikan pada tahun 1995 sebagai wujud semangat inovasi untuk mengembangkan telekomunikasi Indonesia yang terdepan. Untuk  mencapai visi tersebut, Telkomsel terus memacu pertumbuhan jaringan telekomunikasi di seluruh penjuru Indonesia secara pesat sekaligus memberdayakan masyarakat. Telkomsel menjadi pelopor untuk berbagai teknologi telekomunikasi selular di Indonesia, termasuk yang pertama meluncurkan layanan roaming internasional dan layanan 3G di Indonesia. Telkomsel merupakan operator yang pertama kali melakukan ujicoba teknologi jaringan pita lebar LTE. Di kawasan Asia, Telkomsel menjadi pelopor penggunaan energi terbarukan untuk menara-menara Base Transceiver Station (BTS). Keunggulan produk dan layanannya menjadikan Telkomsel sebagai pilihan utama pelanggan di seluruh Indonesia.

Memasuki era ICT (Information and Communication Technology), Telkomsel terus mengoptimalkan pengembangan layanan di Indonesia dengan memanfaatkan potensi sinergi perusahaan induk yaitu PT Telkom (65%) dan SingTel Mobile (35%). Telkomsel terus mengembangkan layanan telekomunikasi selular untuk mengukuhkan posisi sebagai penyedia layanan gaya hidup selular, a truly mobile lifestyle.
  • My Broadband
SPEEDY adalah merupakan layanan broadband akses internet dari Telkom Indonesia berkualitas tinggi bagi perumahan serta SME (Small Medium Enterprise).

Speedy menggunakan teknologi ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Line Subscriber), MSAN (Multi Service Access Node), dan GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network), yang menghantarkan sinyal digital berkecepatan tinggi melalui jaringan telefoni secara optimal bagi keperluan konsumsi konten internet, dengan kecepatan data dari 384 kbps hingga 100 Mbps. Tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan penggunaan teknologi baru lain yang lebih baik/terbaru.
  • My TV
Apa yang dimaksud dengan UseeTV?
UseeTV adalah layanan portal hiburan, informasi dan lifestyle, berupa berbagai macam konten streaming digital maupun aplikasi, seperti video film, video klip musik, karaoke, Live TV, TV on Demand, Live Streaming Radio dan Radio on Demand yang dapat diakses melalui berbagai media seperti Laptop, smartphone (handphone), tablet dan layar televisi (coming soon).

Saat ini sudah tersedia aplikasi mobile untuk gadget berbasis iOS (Apple) dan Android. Untuk Blackberry, Symbian dan Windows Mobile dapat mengakses melalui mobile site: m.useetv.com. Untuk aplikasi OS lainnya (Windows Phone) masih dalam tahap development.


Era konvergensi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi secara significant telah mempengaruhi dunia bisnis dewasa ini. Setiap perusahaan dihadapkan pada persaingan bisnis yang kian ketat yang menuntut pengambilan keputusan secara cepat dan efisien dalam meningkatkan produktivitasnya.

Berpegang pada prinsip kemitraan, Telkom berupaya ikut menumbuhkembangkan bisnis Anda melalui solusi infokom yang tepat. Dengan coverage dan ragam layanan yang terus berkembang, serta jajaran Account Manager yang responsif, kami berkomitmen mewujudkan layanan terbaik yang mengedepankan benefit dan value.

TELKOM Solution menawarkan solusi kesisteman yang mencakup:

1. Advance Communication (Basic Voice, Call Center, Audio Conference, Corporate Package).
2. Broadband & Multimedia (Internet Access, Video Conference, DRC)
3. System Automation (Intranet, Extranet, Office Automation, Security System)
4. Network Controlling & Monitoring (IT Operation, Monitoring System)

Saat ini jaringan backbone Telkom didukung dengan teknologi terkini berupa jaringan serat optik yang tergelar menghubungkan antar pulau serta sistem satelit yang menjangkau seluruh lokasi hingga kawasan regional. Jaringan Telkom juga dilengkapi dengan teknologi Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) yang tersedia di lebih dari 1400 Indonesia, yang akan memberikan kemudahan dalam mengelola jaringan data secara customized untuk keperluan tingkat prioritas aplikasi titik lokasi layanan seluruh.

Beberapa keunggulan TELKOM Solution antara lain adalah:

  • Functionality, mencakup layanan voice, data, video dan mendukung berbagai aplikasi bisnis. Untuk akses, tersedia layanan akses dial-up, dedicated ataupun wireless.
  • Manageability, mudah dikelola dan memungkinkan pengelolaan jaringan di beberapa kota dipusatkan di satu lokasi.
  • Provisioning Scalability, memungkinkan pelanggan menerapkan solusi yang lebih fleksibel karena perancangan dan implementasinya dapat disesuaikan dengan keputusan bisnis.
  • Total Cost of Ownership Saving Opportunities, menawarkan harga yang kompetitif dan fleksibel, serta didukung oleh para tenaga ahli yang siap membantu kepentingan pelanggan melalui skema outsourcing.

Infrastruktur jaringan akses dan public access TELKOM sangat lengkap dan sangat siap untuk mendukung perluasan aksesibilitas sistem ICT pemerintah, meliputi jaringan PSTN (public switch telephone network), Mobile (Flexi dan TELKOMSEL), private network (VPN IP MPLS, leased channel, dll) didukung oleh akses-akses yang merupakan aset nasional seperti wartel, warnet dan community access centers.

Disamping itu TELKOM siap pula berperan sebagai partner pemerintah, TNI dan POLRI dalam menggelar sistem pelayanan yang baik, men-desiminasi informasi secara efektif dan efisien dengan meng-optimalkan layanan-layanan TELKOM dan TELKOM Group yang handal seperti : 
  • Internet services melalui Speedy, ASTINET, Telkomnet Instan.
  • Telephony services baik wireline maupun wireless (Flexi dan TELKOMSEL)
  • Komunikasi data
  • TELKOM Vision layanan payTV dan broadcasting TV yang menjangkau seluruh tanah air Indonesia,
  • Komunikasi interaktif melalui in-bound dan out-bound call center PT Infomedia dan
  • Transaksi-transaksi elektronik dari PT Finnet Indonesia.

Sebagai penyedia jasa infokom terbesar dan tertua di Indonesia, di sisi backbone TELKOM memiliki jaringan fiber-optic, satelit dan radio transmisi yang membentang di seluruh wilayah RI dari kota-kota besar sampai pelosok-pelosok tanah air.

TELKOM satu-satunya business partner yang terpercaya bagi Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, TNI dan POLRI untuk menuju Good Corporate Governance dan transparansi.


Teknologi Sistem Informasi pada perusahaan PT TELKOM INDONESIA dapat membantu memajukan masyarakat Indonesia di bidang komunikasi dengan melalui beberapa produk dan layanan yang baik. Penerapan beberapa teknologi terbaru pada produk Telkom Indonesia dapat memudahkan dan membantu masyarakat Indonesia dalam hal berkomunikasi pada era digital saat ini. Walaupun sejauh ini layanan yang diberikan Telkom Indonesia sudah sangat baik tetapi Telkom Indonesia memerlukan lagi rencana strategis untuk semakin memajukan Teknologi Sistem Informasi-nya berupa produk atau layanan terbaru guna memberikan kemudahan bagi masyarakat Indonesia kedepannya dalam bidang komunikasi.

Sumber dan Gambar :